DNA purification is a common and vital procedure in molecular biology. The goal of DNA purification is to separate the desired genetic material, chromosomal materials from the contaminant (proteins, cells membranes and RNA). This is a vital step in almost every molecular procedure and must be performed well to get high-quality usable DNA.
There are many https://mpsciences.com/2021/04/08/different-types-of-pcr-reagents/ different approaches for DNA purification. The selection of the method is contingent on a variety of variables, such as the starting materials and downstream applications, costs, and time constraints. Typical genomic and plasmid DNA purification techniques include chemical treatment, enzymatic digestion, or mechanical disruption of tissue or cell samples followed by salting-out of proteins and the precipitation of DNA using ethanol.
Ethanol precipitation is a simple, cost-effective and fast method of desalting and concentrated DNA. DNA molecules are aggregated in the presence of monovalent cations, such as sodium and then they are removed from the solution using high concentrations ethanol. This technique permits the removal of organic compounds, and other impurities from the sample and is often employed in combination with other purification methods.
Another method of DNA purification is anion exchange chromatography. The interaction between the negatively-charged DNA phosphate backbones as well as the positively-charged surface molecules of resins bonds DNA in a solvent to positively charged resins. During the binding and washing processes the contaminating molecules are removed from the DNA via rigorous washing steps, and the purified DNA is eluted in low salt conditions.